I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Before last year I never paid attention to the products I bought if they had box tops for education on them. Once Little B started kindergarten we became box tops for education collectors. What is Box Tops for Education? Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $400 million since 1996. You can earn cash for your child’s school by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for your school online.
Little B's teacher would send home a paper to attach 10 box tops to each month to return to school. At first I was sending the sheet of 10 and then taking what we had left (we have a lot more than 10 a month) and putting them in a small sandwich bag and stapling it to the sheet. Then I learned that you can print Box Tops for Education collection sheets at home. So we print out a handful and I send them all in once a month.
There's a list of Box Tops for Education participating products. This back to school season, you can find double box tops on the Betty Crocker baking mixes like the Betty Crocker Fun da-middles cupcakes and other participating products. With Box Tops for Education you can help your schools earn library books, new computers, playground equipment and more.
WIN it! I have a Betty Crocker Box Tops for Education prize pack to offer a Mama Bee Does reader. The prize pack includes:
Cupcake iclips (bookmarks)
Cupcake reusable bag
Cupcake notepads
Box Tops for Education pencils
Neoprene Lunch Bag
Mandatory entry: What Betty Crocker dessert mixes or other Betty Crocker products do you buy for the box tops?
Optional extra entries: (1 comment per entry unless stated otherwise.)
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* Tweet this giveaway daily: “Support your school with @BettyCrocker & Box Tops for Education #win prize pack #giveaway #contest @MamaBeeDoes http://bit.ly/oJ5snR” -1 comment entry per tweet
* Share this post (use anything from the Sharebar or Share & Enjoy links below but please do not Stumble giveaways). 1 entry per share
* Comment on any non giveaway post here at Mama Bee Does- unlimited entries
This giveaway will end September 17, 2011 at 11:59pm ET. Of the valid entries I will use random.org to choose a winner. The winner will have 48 hrs to respond to the winner notification I send or I will draw another winner. Good luck!
Disclaimer: Betty Crocker products, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
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