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Kids today, especially mine, seem to learn a lot through visual learning. There are tons of options available for kids to do just that; everything from DVDs to video games to tablets and their various educational apps.
LeapFrog LeapPad 3
The boys received the new LeapFrog LeapPad 3 ($99.99 retail value at LeapFrog.com & Amazon) a few weeks ago. RJ and DM were so excited! They had been begging me to get them a new "tablet" for them to play on. DM is still a little young for one, if you are strict on the age recommendations for toys and the like, but he is a little advanced for his age (having an older sibling helps sometimes). The age recommendations on the LeapPad 3 is 3-9 years.
LeapFrog offers an app store full of entertaining, educational games, e-books, and apps at various prices. They also offer a large variety of LeapFrog Explorer learning games available in stores for $24.99 each. We took RJ and DM to Toys R Us and let them each pick a different game. RJ got Phineas and Ferb, which teaches about science. DM got Jake and the Neverland Pirates, which helps teach numbers, letters, and counting.
LeapPad3 has a sleek, easy-to-handle design. It comes equipped with a stylus and lanyard, so there's no "Mom, I can't find the LeapPad 3 pen". The LeapPad 3 also offers wi-fi with kid-friendly internet access. Upon setting up the LeapPad3, it comes with one free app download. LeapPad3 also comes with an ion battery, so you can just use the charging adapter that comes with it instead of constantly worrying about getting new batteries or recharging batteries every couple of days.
LeapPad 3

I love seeing my children enjoy learning, especially when they don't realize they are learning. Both boys are loving their time on the LeapPad 3. They are limited to use of the LeapPad 3 to one hour each. Screen time can be fun, but Mama and Daddy say it must be limited. The boys will be getting more games for their LeapPad 3 for their birthdays to keep the fun (and learning) going even more.
For more info on the new LeapFrog LeapPad 3 you can check out LeapFrog.com and you can also connect with the LeapFrog on twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
disclaimer: We received a LeapPad 3, for the purpose of this review, thanks to LeapFrog and MomSelect. Opinions are our own.
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