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Shaklee Cinch results
Man oh man the past few months have flown by. I'm now on month 6 of Cinch, which is my last month. It's been a learning experience with Cinch. I have learned a lot about myself not just with my eating but with exercise and my mentality and feelings. It's been difficult dealing with the loss of my step dad. Everyone keeps telling me the first year is the hardest. Having other family problems to deal with at the same time of dealing with our loss I have had a difficult time the past 2 months. In October I had given up on a lot of things. It was pretty bad. I had 0 weight or inch loss for the entire month. I wasn't exercising though. I just didn't care. Month 5 wasn't any better. The closer it got to the holidays the worse I was feeling. Again another month with a 0 loss. In my Cinch month 3 results post I had said if I could continue at the rate I was losing I would be at my "goal weight" by the end of the 6 months of Cinch. Well I blew that opportunity. There's no way I'll reach that goal in the one month we bloggers have left. I'm ok with that though. I've had some real trials for 2 months and no I didn't lose any weight or inches but I didn't lose me. My desire is still there. My fight is still there. I was just lost for a little bit. I may never reach that goal weight. I'm happier with my body right now than I was when I first started and that's a large goal all its own. You don't have to be rail thin to be happy and love yourself. You can be happy and beautiful what ever your shape or size as long as you believe in yourself and love yourself. To hell with what anyone else says, thinks or doesn't say. It doesn't matter. Love you for who you are. Being healthier is my goal not a number on the scale. Yes I am still working on losing weight and inches with Cinch, don't take me as giving up. I just want yall to know how I feel about my process. I have become more comfortable in the clothes I wear. I even can pull off wearing horizontal stripes. I have also changed my hair again. I feel beautiful in my own skin. Cinch has given me my confidence back. For 5 months on the Shaklee Cinch program I have lost 21 inches and 16.2 lbs. I am so thankful that with my slacking that I have not gained any weight back on.
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation’s Team #Cinchspiration Campaign. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating. My opinions are my own.
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